Monday, October 19, 2009

Assignments- Week 4

5 Minutes: Brenda

Weekly: Andrea

Tips: LeAnn

Happy cleaning & Halloween prepping!


  1. Seriously, I was AHEAD until last week. Every moment was spent working on costumes. I got like 2 points for the whole week. Blah.

    I did, however, finish my costumes.

  2. I started off FANTASTIC, having a clean house Monday morning made such a huge impact on my week! But the end of the week was taken over by Halloween, so I ended up with a pigsty by Sunday. :-(

    vacuum- 4
    sweep- 4
    dishes- 4
    bed- 10
    scriptures- 4
    bathroom- 5
    laundry- 5
    mop- 5
    weekly- 30
    = 71
