Tuesday, September 8, 2009

5 Minute Challenges

Ok, I have been a bit out of things being sick and off my feet so I am not sure what 5 minute challenges have been assigned recently, so I just chose things that I needed to do, sorry if they are repeats. I have been doing ok at keeping up lately (ok truth be told Bryan has done most of the housework lately) But I am really going to try hard this week.

1. Spot Clean one carpet area (not a whole room)

2. Microwave

3. Sliding Glass Door

4. Front Porch (mine needs to be gotten ready for colder weather)

5. Clean Under Couch Cushions for at least one Couch.


  1. Good challenges. I need to work hard.

  2. I need to do all 5 of these things (although not all of them are a mere 5 minutes for me)
