Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekly Challenge: Clothes

I know that I have been extremely remiss with this blog for the summer. But, there are only 2 weeks left before school begins and then I will be back with a vengence. I think I owe Andrea a prize and whomever won the last cycle. (Not sure who that is, someone want to clue me in?)

Anyway, the challenge for this month is school related. I know it is time for me to pull out the winter/fall clothes and make a list for school this year. The challenge is to go through the clothes again and make sure everything is organized. For me that involves putting away the outgrown things, pulling out the stored things that fit and making a list of any gaps in clothing that I need to fill. I like to do it before school starts each year. Good luck!


  1. Wow do I get bonus points because I just moved one closet to another cleaning it out as I went. Lucky me.

  2. Since the big consignment sale is coming up I've started this. I really needed this challenge so I would have the motivation to finish it and have everything ready!

  3. I love this challenge, and I have had it in the back of my mind to do, but... what do you do for these last few weeks of summer? We won't be needing the long sleeves for weeks, so I can't reasonably pack away the summer clothes. What do you guys do about that inbetween time?

  4. It turns out this was a great challenge for me! I discovered I didn't need to put away the summer clothes, there were still a few winter clothes from Springtime I needed to put away. Plus, I was able to go through a huge bag of hand-me-downs for Addie to discover that she is pretty much set for the fall, but Jace had next to nothing. Let the shopping commence!
