Monday, July 6, 2009

2nd week of cycle assignments

Here are the assignments this week. Keep track of points on this post. I am going to try to get that scripture reading done so I can have a perfect score this week!

5 Minutes: Kim

Weekly: Charlotte

Tips: Tami


  1. Charlotte, I meant to tell you that I can take care of posting the assignments during the summer if you'd like.

  2. Darn myself. I really wanted all my points this week. I know it is lame to blame it on company, but I guess now that all my company is gone, we'll see if I get all my points this week.
    Daily Points: 43 points
    5 min challenges: 3 points
    laundry folded: 5 points
    mop floor: 5 points
    clean bathrooms: 5 points
    Weekly challenge: 50 points
    Total: 111, which is great. I am disappointed that I didn't make my bed 2 days though. Arrgh.

  3. I don't want to tell you. But I guess I will- please note that I got sicker than I've been in a long time Thu-Fri and then had to make up for the birthday stuff I was behind on for Ryan.

    Bed: 4
    Sweep: 4
    Vacuum: 3
    Scriptures: 0
    Dishes: 5 + 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    Mop: 5
    Laundry: 0
    Weekly: 0
    5 Minutes: 4
    Total: 35

    35+96= 131

  4. Sweep 5 +5
    Vacuum 5 +5
    Dishes 5 +5
    Bed 3
    Scriptures 5 +5
    5 min 5 +5
    Laundry 5
    mop 5
    bathrooms 5
    weekly challenge 30
    total 98

    total 158

  5. dishes- 10
    sweep- 10
    vacuum- 10
    bed- 10
    scriptures- 10
    5 min- 10
    Weekly- 30
    Laundry- 5
    bathrooms- 5
    mop- 5

    105 woohoo!!

  6. sweep 3
    vacuum 3
    Dishes done 7 - 5
    Make bed 7 - 5
    scriptures 7 - 5
    5 minute 5-5
    laundry folded 5
    mop floor 5
    clean bathrooms 5
    weekly challenge 30

    Total 97

    Grand Total 150
