Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekly Challenge- Beginning 3/23

This week's challenge it to wipe down/dust your door frames- especially on the top where a bit of dust might have collected. If you don't have many doors, or your door frames are ridiculously clean (freak) then continue with the baseboards. I have to do the baseboards in my whole house this week- one of the down sides to having pretty white trim, they show all the dust and dirt!

Good luck!


  1. I've been meaning to clean my doors. Good challenge for me!

  2. This one took my a lot longer than I'd thought. I used about a million clorox wipes to get all my doors and door frames cleaned. They look great now though!

  3. I was also really surprised how much I got off my door frames. Did my window casings, too.

  4. I can't believe how many door frames I had and how very dusty they were. I even dusted the tops of the curtains in the front room. They have a three inch ledge which only collects dust.
